To provide strong, efficient and effective leadership for the Club.
To ensure the Club promotes the participation and achievement all football teams at the highest level and all members are given the highest level of coaching available and competition to promote their development.
To ensure the Club is run efficiently administratively, financially and socially to support the on field activities.
To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient operation of the Club.
To provide a safe an enjoyable recreational environment for all Club members and ensure all football activities are played in a competitive and fair spirit.
To oversee all football related matters across the Club.
To provide leadership to all football coaches, players, support staff and volunteers.
Ensures the effective and efficient operation of the Executive and all football operations.
Oversees recruitment of coaches and players according to policies outlined by the Club Committee.
Ensures committee members fulfil their responsibilities to the Club.
Presides at all meetings of the Club Committee.
Reports activities of the portfolio to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
Assists other Committee members in their duties as required.
Undertakes tasks at the request of the Executive or General Committees.
Reports to the Members and General Committee of the Club.
Acts as or ensure his/her delegate acts in the best interests of the Club at League, or Delegates Meetings and functions.
Supports all Coaches, Managers, Committee Members and volunteers.
Ensures adherence to the Club’s Constitution:
The President is accountable to the Members and the General Committee.
Provide a report on portfolio operations to the monthly Committee meeting.
Seek ratification from the appropriate Committee member prior to committing the Club to any financial expenditure or action.
To oversee all football related matters across the Club.
Provide leadership to all football coaches, players, support staff and volunteers.
To provide support to the President of the Club.
To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient operation of the Club.
Ensure the effective and efficient operation of the Executive and all football operations.
Preside over meetings in the absence of the President.
Ensure that all sectors of the Club football operations are managed effectively and efficiently so that on field performance is maximised.
Ensure that all coaches and support staff are carrying out their duties as required.
Oversee recruitment of coaches and players according to policies outlined by the Club Committee.
Assist other Committee members in their duties as required.
Undertake tasks at the request of the President, Executive or General Committee.
Reports to the Club President and General Committee of the Club.
Supports all coaches, players, support staff and volunteers.
Liaises with the Executive.
Liaises with official Club suppliers & other key stakeholders.Toggle Content
The Vice President is accountable to the President and the General Committee.
Provides a report on portfolio operations to the monthly Committee meeting.
Seeks ratification from the appropriate Committee member(s) prior to committing the Club to any financial expenditure or action.
To ensure that a financial management system and reporting system is put in place and operable so the Club committee has an accurate, true and correct understanding of the financial status of the Club at all times.
To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient operation of the Club.
Prepare the annual budget of the Club for presentation at the January Committee meeting (the draft budget having earlier been formulated by the Club Executive).
Promptly attend to general banking activities.
Maintain appropriate accounts of all income and expenditure and associated audit trails, e.g. receipts.
Report monthly to the Club Committee on budget performance.
Present all accounts for payment for approval.
Prioritise payment of accounts.
Make details of all accounts available to the Club Committee and members as provided in the Corporate Affairs Act.
Manage any overdraft facility held by the Club.
Ensure any surpluses are invested wisely after approval by the Committee.
Ensure the Club finances are correctly audited.
Report activities of the portfolio to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
Assist other Committee members in their duties as required.
Undertake tasks at the request of the President, Executive or General Committee.
Reports to the Club Committee.
Liaises with the Executive.
Liaises with official Club suppliers & other key stakeholders.
The Treasurer is accountable to the President and the General Committee.
The Treasurer shall seek ratification from the General Committee of a Club budget, including debt reduction and thereafter shall have the authority to act within the limits of the budget and strategy approved.
The Treasurer shall provide a monthly report to the General Committee of all financial transactions.
To ensure that appropriate administrative support is provided to the President and to theGeneral Committee.
To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient operation of the Club.
Provide a coordinating and support role for Club sub committees.
Provide secretarial support to the Committee.
Maintain an accurate copy of the Rules and By-Laws of the Club.
Maintain a complete record of all activities of the Club.
Be familiar with the rules of the Club, League, State Body, AFL and any other body that has governance to give advice to the President and Committee as required.
Prepare minutes of all committee and general meetings of the Club and distribute in accordance with the Rules of the Club.
Receive all correspondence directed to the Club.
Prepare and send correspondence in accordance with the direction of the President and Committee.
Report activities of the portfolio to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
Assist other Committee members in their duties as required.
Undertake tasks at the request of the President, Executive or General Committee.
Reports to the Club Committee.
Liaises with the Executive.
The Secretary is accountable to the President and the General Committee.
Provide a report on any aspect of portfolio operations to the monthly Committee meeting.
Seek ratification from the appropriate Committee member prior to committing the Club to any financial expenditure or action.
To ensure all players are registered or transferred in accordance with the league rules and regulations.
Register all new players within the league guidelines.
Register copy of injury reports.
Process insurance claims.
Security of all teams players votes.
Number of games played by player.
To follow up with teams and ensure players are registered and able to play.
Follow up with Treasurer on outstanding fees.
Ensure player database is current and correct.
Distribution of match day paperwork.
Collection and logging in of match day paperwork at conclusion of each weekend.
Liaises with the President and Treasurer.
Liaises with all club members.
Reports to President and General Committee.
To ensure all participants have fun and make new friends whilst developing many new skills as part of Australian Football.
Facilitate the AFL Auskick Program.
Manages the AFL Auskick Centre.
Advertises child and parent recruitment.
Attends district development meetings.
Manages equipment.
Develops communication links.
Facilitates participation by all parents.
Liaises with District Development Officer.
Liaises with District Club Auskick Co-Ordinators.
Liaises with parents and volunteers.
Accountable to the Executive Committee.
To provide an appropriate canteen service at all home games and at other times as agreed.
To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient operation of the Club.
Ensure that an adequate food safety plan is in place for canteen operations.
Ensure that adequate equipment is available for providing the canteen services.
Establish a menu of goods for sale that provides variety that will attract all members and visitors to purchase goods from canteen.
Ensure goods are purchased at the best (but not necessarily the cheapest) rates possible.
Ensure that the canteen is open for business from the commencement of the first game at home games.
Account for all purchases and receipts on a weekly basis.
Assist other Committee members in their duties as required.
Undertake tasks at the request of the President, Executive or General Committee.
Reports to the Club Committee.
Liaises with the Club Executive.
Liaises with official Club suppliers & stakeholders.
Accountable to the Club Executive & Committee.
Provide a report on any aspect of portfolio operations to the monthly Committee meeting.
Seek ratification from the appropriate Committee member prior to committing the Club to any financial expenditure or action.
To adhere to the following: Healthy Sporting Club Policy
To coordinate, educate and evaluate all coaches at training and on match days.
Assist with the development of all coaches.
Oversee training drills and skills.
Check coaches accreditation.
Offer assistance for training skills and drills.
Arrange BBQ’s, education nights etc for coaches and team ages groups as required.
Recommend new equipment where required.
Assist advocates.
Liaise with all coaches, providing regular feedback on training and match days.
Reports to Football Manager or designated person on club committee.
Accountable to the Football Manager or designated person on club committee.
To provide the highest standard of coaching and development to the players of the appointed grade of competition.
Coach in accordance with the AFL Next Generation Australian Football Match Policy for the conduct of the game for players 5-18 years of age.
Promote the importance of club members adhering to the AFL Kids First Policy.
Apply the code of conduct for coaching staff and players that supports the objectives of the Club on and off the field.
Contact all current players as soon as practicable after the completion of the previous season to outline plans for the coming season.
Develop and establish an appropriate pre season training program.
Instruct the players placed under their care generally and to see that all players carry out sufficient training.
Liaise with other junior grade coaches to establish a consistent coaching policy throughout the Club.
Assist with junior development outside the Club where possible or appropriate.
Provide game day coaching expertise.
Attend Club functions as agreed to.
Provide regular reports as required throughout the season.
Reports to the Club Executive.
Accountable to the Club Executive.
To provide medical treatment and advice to the Coach and players for the team allocated to his/her care.
Maintain a current First Aid and Sports Injury certificate.
Develop/revise code of conduct regarding injury treatment for coaching staff and players.
Ensure adequate supplies of strapping tape and medical supplies are available in accordance with Club policy.
Instruct the players placed under their care, in the treatment of any injury.
Be in attendance on team training nights as arranged by the Committee member responsible for Trainers.
Wear appropriate attire as required by the Club.
Be in attendance in the change rooms prior to the game at a time agreed upon with the team coach.
Provide game day medical support to all players.
Provide post game treatment of any injuries to players.
Provide regular reports to the relevant coaches on the state of any injury to any player.
Reports to the Executive Committee.
Liaises with the Secretary & Coaches.
Accountable to the President and Club Executive.
To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient management of Club clothing sales.
To provide a range of reasonable priced clothing that will provide members and supporters with suitable attire to reflect professionally on the Club.
Prepare a report proposing a suitable range of clothing for sale for consideration by the Committee at the commencement of the season.
Arrange the wide promotion of clothing items to members, supporters and the community.
Provide a convenient means by which orders can be placed for all clothing lines.
Arrange the display of clothing lines in the Club social rooms prior to the commencement of each season.
Ensure sufficient clothing stocks are maintained to ensure orders are filled promptly.
Maintain strong relationships with approved suppliers of clothing lines.
Reports to the President & Club Treasurer.
Liaises with the Club Committee.
Liaises with suppliers.
Clothing Sales Coordinator is accountable to the President and the General Committee.
Provide a report on portfolio operations to the monthly Committee meeting as required.
Seek ratification from the appropriate Committee member prior to committing the Club to any financial expenditure or action.
To maximise the number of sponsors supporting the Club and to maximise revenue from the sponsorship base.
To manage the relationship between the Club and sponsors to ensure that all sponsors are serviced to a high level and are retained on a long term basis.
To provide support to the Executive and Committee members to ensure the efficient management of Club sponsorship/fundraising activities.
Develop a proposal for ratification by the Committee, for sponsorship packages to be offered by the Club to attract as broad a sponsorship as possible.
Co-ordinate all sponsorship for all areas of the club.
Meet the sponsorship budget target set as part of the annual financial planning process.
Ensure all existing sponsors are contacted three months prior to the season commencement.
Seek out new sponsors to supplement existing sponsors.
Ensure sponsors signage is in place and all other aspects of sponsorship packages are in place prior to the commencement of the season.
Ensure all sponsorship agreements are honoured.
Maintain contact with all corporate sponsors throughout the season.
Maintain strong relationships with all Club sponsors.
Reports to the President & Club Secretary.
Liaises with the Club Committee.
Liaises with Sponsors.
Supports Sponsorship coordinators and any person responsible for providing services associated with sponsorships.
Sponsorship Coordinator is accountable to the President and the General Committee.
Provide a report on portfolio operations to the monthly Committee meeting as required.
Seek ratification from the appropriate Committee member prior to committing the Club to any financial expenditure or action.
The Sponsorship Coordinator shall seek ratification from the General Committee of sponsorship packages offered by the Club and shall thereafter have the authority to act within the limits of the packages without reference to the General Committee.
To ensure all off field football matters are dealt with efficiently and in a timely manner for the team managers grade of competition.
Provide administrative support to the coach and any football staff.
Arrange the required support staff for games to take place.
Support the coaching staff to make sure the required administrative and support arrangements are in place so that coaches and players can concentrate on the game.
Ensure the coach and players are provided with sufficient equipment (within guidelines set down by the Executive) to ensure the efficient operation of the team.
Ensure all players are either currently registered with the League or has an approved clearance from previous Club.
Provide the Registrar with a list, in jumper number order, of all players and keep all players lists updated as every change is made.
Check jumpers are in good order at all times and have appropriate sponsors logos attached if required.
Ensure other support staff has been appointed and are in attendance as required.
Ensure the integrity of best and fairest voting in accordance with Club policy.
The following list of duties is intended to be used as a guide to assist Team Managers in completion of their duties each Saturday. Duties may be varied to reflect an individuals time commitment or the role as negotiated with the team Coach.
Team sheets:
Complete, sign and give to umpire in accordance with league rules.
Ensure all players named on team sheet including runner and trainers and water boys are registered.
Full names are required, first and surname.
Club best & fairest:
Vote cards are to be distributed prior to the match and collected after the match.
Best players are to be given to the opposition at away games and details of their best players got from them at home matches (Check league rules).
Players property:
Ensure players property is collected prior to each game and safely secured during matches.
Boundary & goal umpires:
Boundary and goal umpires are to be arranged as required.
All club umpires are to be correctly attired according to league regulations.
Ensure player’s drinks are on hand at all times (liaise with trainers on the provision of drinks).
Trainer’s equipment:
Liaise with trainers to ensure sufficient equipment including towels are on hand.
Prior to home matches, ball is to be given to the umpire for inspection.
Ensure ball is returned after the completion of the match.
Team manager responsible for the organisation of scoreboard attendant at all home matches.
Transport of gear:
Team managers are responsible for the organisation of transport of gear to away matches.
Determine, with appropriate football staff, best player awards for the team side.
Ensure umpires are hydrated at quarter times.
Ensure empires are escorted off the ground at half time and full time of the match.
Reports to the Registrar.
Supports the coaches.
Liaise with player parents.
The Team manager is accountable to Registrar and the Coach of that team which he manages.
To establish and maintain a strong and healthy working partnership with local government.
To ensure clubrooms and oval remain at the highest possible standard at all times.
Manage the maintenance of all facilities at club.
Organise any repairs to the facilities.
Coordinate the handover of keys and the facility at the end of each season in line with council requirements.
Plan continuous upgrading of facilities.
Inform club of council grants and capital works when they become available and assist with the preparation of any applications to receive funding.
Attend council workshops and forums where required.
To be the club contact for all council dealings.
To ensure adherence to the Risk Management Policy by all:
Liaise with Council Recreation Officer & Manager.
Liaise with Council Parks & Gardens Manager.
Liaise with local Councillor.
Reports to Club President & General Committee.