To ensure the Huntingdale Junior Football Club develops its aims and ethos, the club cannot tolerate any unsportsmanlike and/or inappropriate conduct on the part of coaches, players, members, administrators, sponsors, or supporters.
All such persons are expected to conduct themselves in a manner to reflect the highest level of honour, integrity and fair play.
Any individual or matter which brings the Huntingdale Junior Football Club’s Code into disrepute will be referred to a disciplinary council.
Act within the rules and spirit of our sport.
Promote fair play over winning at any cost.
Encourage and support opportunities for people to learn appropriate behaviour and skills.
Support opportunities for participation in all aspects of the sport.
Treat each person as an individual.
Show respect and courtesy to all involved within the sport.
Respect the rights and worth of every person, regardless of their age, race, gender, ability, cultural background, sexuality or religion.
Respect the decisions of officials, coaches and administrators.
Display appropriate and responsible behaviour in all interactions.
Display appropriate and responsible behaviour to alcohol and other drugs.
Act with integrity and objectivity, and accept responsibility for your decisions and actions.
Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a safe environment.
Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a harassment free environment.
Do not tolerate abusive, bullying or threatening behaviour.
Behave in a responsible manner at all times, on and off the field.
Respect yourself as you respect others.
Be a Team Player. Bullying or intimidation of team mates or opposition players is NOT acceptable. Be a good sport and ENJOY the game.
Applaud good play and ALWAYS encourage teammates. Play by the rules at all times.
Control your temper. NEVER dispute/discuss decisions made by umpires. Take the matter up with your coach or through appropriate channels. Abuse of umpires, officials or other players, or provoking/intimidating an opponent is not acceptable.
Do not swear or abuse other players, umpires or officials.
Enjoy the game and the company of teammates and opponents.
Remember that you are an ambassador for the Huntingdale Junior Football Club, the Perth District, the Central Conference and AFL Football.
Be prepared to take responsibility for your actions.
Any player allocated red or yellow card infringements by umpires or tribunals may receive additional penalties as determined by the Huntingdale Junior Football Club.
Should a player/s cause a fine to be imposed on the club by virtue of their actions, they will be held financially responsible and indemnify the club also being of the understanding further club imposed penalties may apply.
Children like to win; but more importantly, they want to have fun.
Adults should be proud of a child’s efforts irrespective of the result.
Respect the effort and performances of players and officials.
Reject the use of harassment, bullying or violence in any form, whether by other spectators, coach, officials or athletes.
Should spectator/s cause a fine to be imposed on the club by virtue of their actions, they will be held financially responsible and indemnify the club also being of the understanding further club imposed penalties may apply.
Encourage your child to participate, do their best and have fun.
Focus on your child’s effort and performance, rather than winning or losing.
Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake.
Help out the coach or officials at training, games, where possible.
Model appropriate behaviour, including respect for other players and officials.
Ensure that you always respect the umpire’s decision – ALWAYS! The Huntingdale Junior Football Club takes a zero tolerance approach to umpire abuse.
Recognise positively the recreational contribution of voluntary officials, coaches and administrators from both clubs/sides. Without them the kids could not participate.
Support all efforts to remove verbal, racial and physical abuse and to settle disagreements with resorting to hostility or violence.
Remember that smoking and the consumption of alcohol is unacceptable at junior sport.
Support your club officials to foster high standard of behaviour for you club and the District.
Should parent/s cause a fine to be imposed on the club by virtue of their actions. They will be held financially responsible and indemnify the club also being of the understanding further club imposed penalties may apply.
Create a Safe, Fun & Fair team environment.
Obtain and maintain your coaching accreditation. Keep up to date with latest coaching developments by attending meetings and seminars.
Understand and abide by the Laws and Rules, including the Laws of the Game, the District By-laws and the Rules of your Club.
Teach the Rules – to players and parents. Encourage your players to always play by the rules. Ensure that the rules are adhered to in the spirit of good sportsmanship.
Develop team respect for opponents, umpires and coaches. It is also a coach’s responsibility to ensure that this respect is also shown from the parents of the players on your team. Take an active role in ensuring that your parents always show respect for opponents, umpires and coaches. This includes showing respect for the umpire’s decision.
Behave in a responsible manner at all times, on and off the field.
Act as a role model for players and other club members.
Do not swear or abuse players, umpires or officials.
Do not argue with umpires or officials.
Enjoy the game yourself and encourage others to do the same.
Remember that you are an ambassador for the Huntingdale Junior Football Club, the Perth District Football Development Council Competition, Central Conference Competition and AFL Football.
Focus on the child’s efforts and self-esteem rather than winning or losing.
Success as a coach should not be measured by winning.
Should a coach cause a fine to be imposed on the club by virtue of their actions, they will be held financially responsible and indemnify the club also being of the understanding further club imposed penalties may apply.
Officials represent the club and the Perth District. Set an example to the players & parents.
Foster high standards of behaviour for your club and the District.
Try to resolve any conflict in a calm, sensible manner and when possible, in private.
Be aware of potential volatile situations at all times and be prepared to deal with them appropriately.
Speak to parents & spectators that are not following the Codes of conducts stipulated by the club, reminding them of the club expectations regarding parent/spectator behaviour.
Ensure that there is a policy in place for player rotations for all teams at your club. Ensure that coaches abide by this policy.
Take into consideration the developmental level of the children when scheduling and determining the length of practice times and competition.
Enjoy the game and encourage others to do the same.
Should an official cause a fine to be imposed on the club by virtue of their actions, they will be held financially responsible and indemnify the club also being of the understanding further club imposed penalties may apply.
Policy updated and passed by Club Committee and effective from 7 May 2018